6 Tips To Get A Credit Card Without A Credit Score
It's a classic dilemma. You can't build a credit history and get a credit score without a source of credit, but how do you get a source of credit without a credit history?
If you don't have a credit score to assess, you'll have to give lenders a different method of assurance that you won't default on your payments. Here are a few tips to help you assure lenders and acquire a proper starter credit card.
1. Be Employed – Would you extend credit to anyone if they had no income sources to use for repayment? Credit card issuers probably won't, either. If you can't display a steady income, you'll have to show a lender how you plan to repay your credit card balances each month.
Without a credit history, your income will likely dictate your credit limit and the type of cards available to you. You aren't likely to get a high limit or cards with many rewards or perks to start with.
2. Consider a Student Credit Card – Cr...
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