You Should Freeze Your Credit Here, But You've Never Heard Of It!


Credit freezes are one of the most valuable tools in your identity theft protection toolbox. When a credit freeze is placed on your account, lenders can't access your credit history to assess your risk and are unlikely to approve loans or other forms of credit.

You're in control. Unfreeze (thaw) your accounts whenever you want to apply for credit and re-apply the freeze when you're done. Thanks to recent legislation, all credit freezes and thaws are now free of charge, making them convenient for all consumers.

You probably know that you must apply individual freezes with each of the three major credit reporting agencies (Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion). You may also know to place a credit freeze with Innovis, the fourth and less-publicized credit reporting agency.

Did you know there's a fifth location where a credit freeze should be ap...

from MoneyTips
