More Than 1 In 4 Whose Wallets Vanish Lose Cash, Credit And Debit Cards, And Driver's License


When your wallet or pocketbook disappears, it's not just cash that you're losing. MoneyTips wanted to see how often people lose credit cards, IDs, and even prescription medications when they are a victim of theft or their own forgetfulness. The loss of these items could lead to identity theft.

Warns Greg Scott, an IT professional and identity theft victim, "Let's all just be smart on what we keep in our wallets and what we leave at home. The more physical identification somebody can steal from us, the easier to steal our overall identities."

We polled 509 Americans in November to learn that nearly 2 in 3 Americans had either lost or had stolen their wallets, purses, pocketbooks or money clips (we'll use 'wallet' from now on to represent these four accessories). We then asked those whose wallets vanished:
