45% Of People Who Lose Their Wallets Have To Spend An Entire Day Or More To Undo The Damage


You reach for the bill, and then realize that your wallet is missing. You mentally retrace your steps, add up how much cash was in there, and stress over whether someone will use your credit cards and try to steal your identity. Besides all the time it will take to cancel your credit cards and debit cards and get a new driver's license, how much is this fiasco going to cost you?

Says Greg Scott, IT professional and identity theft victim, "Think about replacing a driver's license, Social Security card, insurance cards, all your credit cards, your blood donor card, changing your locks so nobody can use the spare key you kept in your wallet, and everything else you found important enough to carry all the time."

In an exclusive MoneyTips survey, we asked 509 Americans in November whether they had ever lost or had stolen their wallets, purses, pocke...

from MoneyTips http://bit.ly/2vlDHLo
