We Prefer Using Cash Over Credit For Small Purchases
Do you use your credit card for most purchases? Are there times you prefer paying with your debit card? Perhaps you still use those funny green paper rectangles with numbers on them?
Cash hasn't been forgotten, especially for smaller payments. A new study by CreditCards.com shows that 45% of consumers who have rewards credit cards still prefer to use cash for payments below $10. Even debit cards are more popular than credit cards on small payments, by a 30% to 23% margin.
This finding is consistent with previous data from the Federal Reserve's Diary of Consumer Payment Choice (DCPC). In 2016, the DCPC found that 55% of all payments of $9.99 or less used cash, while cash prevailed for 35% of purchases between $10 and $24.99 but only 19% of purchases from $25 to $49.99. The CreditCards.com study agrees, showing that $25 is the median tipping point for using credit for purchases.
Why wouldn't you use a credit card for all purchases when you get rewards fro...
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