Get Smart About Credit Day is October 17


You learned a lot at school. But did your teachers or professors educate you on how to use credit, protect your identity, or maintain a good credit score? Sadly, personal finance education does not rank up there with reading, writing, and 'rithmetic.

According to research from the credit bureau Experian, more than one in three Generation Zers (those born roughly between 1997 and 2012) are interested in personal finance topics. Among recent high school graduates, more than three in four agree that a financial management class should be compulsory in schools.

Give your kids a better start than you had by signing them up for educational resources from the Get Smart About Credit campaign, an annual initiative sponsored by the American Bankers Association (ABA) Community Engagement Foundation. About 6,000 bankers participated last year. They delivered educational presentations to almost 156,000 teenagers in schools nationwide, covering topics like credit cards, budget...

from MoneyTips
