New Year's Resolutions Not Going So Well? 6 Tips To Revive Your 2019 Personal Finance Goals


By Andrea Woroch

After months of heavy spending – and eating – people across the country start to think to themselves: this isn't sustainable.Like clockwork, Americans make ambitious plans.January is the big month, but that's just the beginning.Or, so they think.

According to U.S. News & World Report, by the second week of February, some 80 percent of those resolution makers are back on the couch with a new kind of remorse.They've quit.And worse yet, they only made it a little over a month.

The bad news is, going twelve straight months achieving your lofty personal finance goals is tough, but it doesn't have to be impossible. Forbes published indicating that nearly 10 percent go the distance – completing their resolutions.While that's only one in ten people who have the fortitu...

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