MoneyTips "I raised my credit score over 800 – and you can, too!" So says Tiffany Aliche, a financial speaker and author better known as The Budgetnista . Tiffany was working as a schoolteacher, and had excellent credit, until she lost her job in the Great Recession. "I had a choice between paying my mortgage and paying my bills. I chose to pay my bills." Due to trusting the wrong person, those bills included $30,000 in credit card debt. As she collected unemployment, she did her best to cut her expenses to the bone, losing her home to foreclosure. "I moved in with my family, crashing on a sister's couch, and at my parent's home. I scrimped and saved. I stopped buying clothes. With four sisters, I could always borrow an outfit when I needed one! "I watched videos to learn how to do my hair and other skills myself instead of paying for them. YouTube became my university. I was in my 30's, when peo... from MoneyTips